Hoops Physio

Injury Screening at Pie Run

Event Date and Time: November 11th from 6:00am - 9:30am

Who are we? We are a physical therapy and sports performance company that helps athletes relieve their pain, resolve their root problem, rebuild their foundation and return to peak performance. 

What are we offering? Complimentary 15 minute injury screens! These screens are PERFECT if you have an injury, are dealing with annoying pain, have mobility or flexibility concerns, or have questions for us regarding anything preventing you from reaching your health and fitness goals. We are here to help!

Hey For the Love of Go Friends!

If you have had any aches, pains, or mobility issues, we have a great opportunity for you!

On Saturday Nov 11th from 6:00-9:30am, Hoops Physio will be performing free injury screens at Pie Run at Wallace Middle school.

Their team is composed of a doctor of physical therapy and an exercise physiology masters student who specializes in treating runners and athletes from a variety of other sports.

It’s pretty simple to sign up, but you do need to sign up. You can simply follow the link below or scan the QR code on the fliers at Run for the Hills (Oct 28th) or BullDog Dash (Nov 4th) or online on our social media page. 

These will be free 15-minute-long mini appointments where you can ask a sports physical therapist any questions you have.

There are limited spots available, and it will be first come first serve. So, do not wait to sign up!

We definitely recommend you check this out, because we want you to be able to push yourself and run with us for a long time, and these screens are a great resource.

Sign up for a slot using this link:


You can email Dr. Thaddeus Brown from Hoops Physio if you have questions.
